
The Less Waste Choice

Practice #3: Less waste choices at the grocery

Let’s play a game. In each of these frames, one of the choices is the less waste choice. Can you pick them? I took all these pictures in the produce department of one grocery store. I could have taken about a hundred more. There are many opportunities for you to make less waste choices during each shopping trip you make. I understand that this choice might mean sacrifices. Your final product might not look exactly like the picture in the recipe. Or it might require more time for hands on prep. Figure out where you are able to sacrifice and where you aren’t and make your less waste choices from there. You might be surprised at some of the things you thought would take longer (peeling carrots) really don’t take as long as you thought. And you might actually find the peeling part therapeutic. Or you might find you grabbed the plastic wrapped choice (broccoli) out of habit and don’t actually care if it’s packaged or not. Take notice next time you are at the grocery and you might find these trades are easy to make!

P.s. Don’t use the plastic produce bags for your bulk veggies! It negates the less waste choice. I will have a post on reusable produce bags very soon.

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