
A Gift Idea: Brown Sugar Scrub

Gift idea: Brown Sugar Scrub

Anybody else get a bit of a visceral reaction when they hear that Valentine’s Day is coming up? I’ve never cared for the day, not because of the whole “It’s a holiday created by the greeting card companies!” but more so because I didn’t have a valentine until I was 23 and for those first 22 Valentine’s Days, I felt unlovable. (I understand that was ridiculous but nevertheless!) Anyway, the residual from all those years leads me to roll my eyes whenever February 14th rolls around. But this year, I’m determined to make a change.

Having a pretty thankless job these days (as many of us do!), I have found myself in need of a bit of pampering. And not having an excess in the way of monetary means or desire to use up a lot of resources, I have resorted to making a few luxuries at home. One of them is a brown sugar scrub to use in the shower. Many days, using this scrub is the highlight of my day and because of this, I want to share it with others to make their week of February 14th that much better. Put a 4 oz jar of this with an 8 oz jar of granola and give it to your children’s teachers for Valentine’s Day. Or add it to a meal that you take to a friend with a new baby/foster child/hard phase/long work hours and I guarantee you that it will make them smile. And trust me when I tell you that both men and women appreciate this scrub. It knows no gender bounds.

A note about the scrub… I highly recommend using cinnamon essential oil and not ground cinnamon. I made a test batch with ground cinnamon to see if you could use that if you didn’t have the essential oil and the cinnamon stuck to my hands, due to the coconut oil. Probably not something you want stuck all over your body. Also, this recipe makes one 4 oz batch that fits perfectly in a small glass jar.

You can find the recipe here:

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