
Gift Idea: Healing Salve

Gift idea: Healing Salve

I don’t often cut myself in the kitchen but as soon as I made this salve, you better believe I cut myself 3 times. Isn’t it crazy how our actions know when we can start letting our guard down? (On a similar note, I had never left my iphone on top of my car but 2 years ago, the day I got a Lifeproof case, I kid you not, I left it on the roof of my car and it flew off. Retrieved it a few hours later on the side of the road, because obviously we weren’t in St. Louis, and it was perfectly fine.) Anyway, I originally made it because it is spring here which means Lucy is running around with bare feet and skinned knees, elbows, hand palms, etc. and seems to be in a constant state of needing antibiotic cream. Seeing an opportunity for less waste, I googled healing salve and found one I had all the ingredients for (beeswax, coconut oil, tea tree EO and lavender EO) It’s really easy to make and is a lot less traumatizing to put on kids (and yourself?). I’ve only used it for cuts and scrapes and it seems to work just as well as what you might buy at the store. I don’t use it for burns because, well, believe it or not, soy sauce is the magical elixir for those. Weird, right? But I’m dead serious. As soon as you get a burn, pour some soy sauce on that sucker and it takes the burn right out. Three minutes later you won’t even remember you got burned and you might have a hankering for some lettuce wraps. I’m writing this as a gift idea because it could really make for a great gift for any number of purposes. The recipe makes the perfect size for 1 (4 ounce) jar but I would definitely double it and make 4 (2 ounce) jars so you have some to give away. I have a big block of beeswax that hangs around this place so I just sliced some up instead of using beeswax pellets and next time I will also add some honey.

Here’s the link to the recipe so you, too can make it at home.

*If you’ve never used beeswax know that it will mess up any tool that touches it so only use your least liked knives, bowls, etc. Also, it’s not good down your sink drain so scrape as much as you can off into your compost before you wash everything.

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