
My Favorites from 2017

Some favorites from 2017:

I know I should have done this at the end of the year but we were too busy having fun with family. So I’m sending it out now. Though we spent a lot of time and energy this year decluttering and purging, we thoughtfully and slowly took in some items as well.

Pictured are some of my favorite acquisitions from this past year. Minus the Muck boots and wooden spatula, they were all acquired secondhand from consignment or eBay, fair trade, or local artists/Etsy.

*Montessori apron gifted to Lucy (thanks, Aunt Susan and Uncle Greg!) so she can put it on all by herself and stay relatively clean while helping me in the kitchen and doing crafts.
*Farmer’s Market basket gifted to me for my birthday (thanks again, Aunt Susan and Uncle Greg!) has been huge for the market and bulk shopping to keep my jars/markers/tape/reusable bags/fruits/veggies/flowers etc. all contained.
* Bow and arrow set and slingshot were gifted to Lucy (thanks mom and Meg, et al) and as much fun as she has had with it, I think Andrew and I have had even more.
* wooden spatula has been needed for a while as sometimes the stainless steel one is a bit much.
* French rolling pin… how have I been rolling dough with anything else all my life?! This one was a game changer.
* cast iron skillet found at a Salvation Army thrift store was even more of a game changer. A little steel wool and some grease and it became quite the workhorse in the kitchen.
* Muck ankle boots were a God-send to slip on and head out to the chickens and garden.
* concert ukulele has spent time reminding me I’m a musically inclined human being and not just a wife and mom.
* signed print by Cbabi Bayoc has made not only our walls beautiful but has also been a step for us toward representing people of color in our home.
* secondhand shorts (representing all secondhand clothes bought this year) that fit me, weren’t maternity, and made me begin to feel beautiful again.
* Birkenstocks bought on eBay that became my go-tos this past spring/summer.

*not pictured is our used Toyota Highlander Hybrid which I am so thankful for, especially since it was recovered after being stolen.

* favorite new skill acquired is learning how to can. Absolutely. Hands down. No contest. I was only able to can summer tomatoes and chicken stock but the tomatoes have been incredible this winter in soup, spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, etc. and the chicken stock proved its worth when the stomach bug overtook our family a few weeks back.

 — withSnippetCbabi Bayoc OriginalsCrate and Barrel,Food52Style Encore – Orlando/E Colonial Dr, FL,The Salvation Army USALodge Cast IronJ.Crew,Muckboots.comBirkenstockFrom JennifereBayand Cordoba Guitars.

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