
A game for peach season

About 6 years ago, I went to Haiti for a medical missions trip. (Don’t worry, I worked in the pharmacy and was not operating on anyone.) I have a lot of opinions about mission trips that I won’t go into here but what I will say is that I took away a HUGE appreciation for the Haitian people and how resourceful they are. Watching the kids in the orphanage was extremely humbling as they would use anything they found, rocks, empty water bottles, buckets, and could make an extremely fun and engaging game out of it. And here I can’t get my child to engage in any store bought toy in our house. Fast forward to few weeks ago when I took my kids to the Missouri History Museum and there was a game that the native Americans once played who lived on this land I’m living on before white people completely decimated them. I’m not entirely sure they used peach pits but the point was that they used what they found to make games to play.

Paint just one side of each pit so the other side is left natural. The rules I wrote are what the museum had listed but for smaller kids, they can just count how many colored pits they got. Or really, now that you understand the gist of it, you can change the rules to however works for you.

This game can easily be played by kids but also adults. Maybe after a dinner party while the host is getting dessert ready?

Anyway, as it’s beautiful peach season, save those pits, slap some paint on them and have fun!

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