
Homemade Chai Tea Latte

I’ve been wanting something other than coffee or tea for my afternoon pick me up so I made a quick chai tea base that I simmer with 4 oz milk and 4 oz water for 5 minutes then add some maple syrup and strain into a mug. Depending on my mood, I might add saffron or cloves but most times I just use the base as is. I make the base in bulk so I can just scoop a tablespoon for each drink.

Chai Tea bulk mix:

1/2 cup loose tea (I used English breakfast)

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp ginger

1/4 tsp cocoa

15 cardamom pods (or 1/4 tsp ground cardamom)

1) If using cardamom pods, remove the seeds from the pods and ground with a pestle and mortar (or a similar tool)

2) combine all ingredients in a jar to store

To make chai latte:

1) combine 1 Tbs of mix with 4 oz water and 4 oz milk in small pot

2) simmer for 5 mins, stirring as needed

3) sweeten with your favorite natural sweetener

4) strain into mug using any kind of mesh strainer

Feel free to change the recipe to your tastes and increase or decrease any flavor you like.

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