
Cloth Napkins

Practice #1 Cloth napkins. Use them. Always. This is not a hyperbole. Always. Not just when guests come over. But always. Put your paper napkins in a place where you can’t get to them easily or donate them to a classroom or church. Going on a picnic? Cloth napkins. Breakfast? Cloth napkins. Lunch at work? Pack a cloth napkin. Dinner at Chipotle? Take cloth napkins with you. You get the point, right? Pull them out from the drawer in your china cabinet and use them today! If you don’t own any, they are cheap at the thrift stores. Like, a dime a piece. Or grab a World Market 20% off coupon and go buy a new set. Or ask your grandma if she has any extras lying around. Or invest in a timeless linen set. Or, better yet, ask your grandma for her timeless linen set. Some families let everyone pick their own unique napkin ring so after a meal, their napkin goes back into their ring until it gets too dirty then it gets thrown in the wash. I just chuck ours in with a load of towels or clothes. So change out those paper napkins for cloth. And enjoy feeling a little more fancy in your everyday life while also saving the planet.

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